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Beet Marbled Eggs

  • Yields: 4
  • Source: n/a
  • Submitted by: Recipe Group Member
  • Date: n/a
  • Star Rating:

This is just one of over 9,000 recipes we've collected since early 1996. Many of these recipes have been passed down from family member to family member and then shared with friends and then, with Mike Pitzer's Secret Recipes. When it comes to recipes, the real secret is that all of our recipes always have been, and always will be free!



  1. When you drop the [hard cooked] eggs into the beet juice, DO NOT peel them. Instead, bash them around a bit to crack the shells really well, then drop 'em, shells still on, in the juice. Drain and shell before serving. (Sorry for insulting your intelligence with the last direction, but someone, somewhere out there is going to miss this step. The result is a pickled egg that looks remarkably like the pretty marble eggs you can buy for decoration.
  2. Servings:
    Submitted by: Recipe Group Member

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