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Freezer Peach Jam

  • Yields: 4
  • Source: n/a
  • Submitted by: Recipe Group Member
  • Date: n/a
  • Star Rating:

This is just one of over 9,000 recipes we've collected since early 1996. Many of these recipes have been passed down from family member to family member and then shared with friends and then, with Mike Pitzer's Secret Recipes. When it comes to recipes, the real secret is that all of our recipes always have been, and always will be free!



  1. Measure peaches into a large kettle and add lemon juice. While stirring, slowly add pectin. Let stand 20 minutes; stir every 5 minutes to blend pectin with fruit. Add syrup and blend well; add sugar and blend well.
  2. Cook over low heat until just warm to the touch about 100° F. Do not allow mixture to become hot. Pour jam into jars to within 1/2-inch of top. Cover jars at once. Let stand until jellied.
  3. Store in freezer until ready to use. Keep in refrigerator once jar has been opened.
  4. Servings: 8 half-pints
    Source: National Peach Commission
    Submitted by: Recipe Group Member

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