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Green Tomato-Blueberry Jam

  • Yields: 4
  • Source: n/a
  • Submitted by: Recipe Group Member
  • Date: n/a
  • Star Rating:

This is just one of over 9,000 recipes we've collected since early 1996. Many of these recipes have been passed down from family member to family member and then shared with friends and then, with Mike Pitzer's Secret Recipes. When it comes to recipes, the real secret is that all of our recipes always have been, and always will be free!



  1. Pulse blueberries and chopped tomato in a blender or food processor 3 or 4 times until mixture is almost smooth.
  2. Cook blueberry mixture, 1 1/2 cups water, and sugar in Dutch oven over medium hear, stirring constantly, until sugar dissolves.
  3. Stir in fruit pectin and remaining ingredients. Bring to a boil; cook stirring constantly, 5 minutes or until mixture thickens.
  4. Pour hot mixture into hot jars, filling to 1/4 inch from top. Remove air bubbles; wipe jar rims. Cover at once with metal lids, and screw on bands.
  5. Process in boiling-water bath 10 minutes.
  6. *5 cups frozen blueberries thawed, may be substituted.

    Servings: 5 pints
    Submitted by: Recipe Group Member

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