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Boston Baked Beans Recipe #2

  • Yields: 4
  • Source: n/a
  • Submitted by: Recipe Group Member
  • Date: n/a
  • Star Rating:

This is just one of over 9,000 recipes we've collected since early 1996. Many of these recipes have been passed down from family member to family member and then shared with friends and then, with Mike Pitzer's Secret Recipes. When it comes to recipes, the real secret is that all of our recipes always have been, and always will be free!



  1. Inspect the beans; wash; place in saucepan, cover with 1 quart water. Soak overnight. Drain off the water; cover with fresh water. Cook slowly until the skins wrinkle on exposure to air (about 1/2 hour). Drain. Place beans in earthenware bean pot or deep casserole; add the salt, dry mustard, sugar and whole peeled onion. Cut deep gashes in pork but do not cut through the rind. Place pork in pot, rind side up. Pour hot water to cover beans. Cover the dish. Bake 8 hours in a slow oven at 250° to 300° replenishing the water as it evaporates.
  2. Beans may be cooked in a pressure cooker at 15 pounds pressure for 45 minutes, then cooked uncovered in a moderate 350° F or (about 1 hour to brown.)
  3. Servings:
    Submitted by: Recipe Group Member

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